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The crowdfunding campaign is over,  we want to thank you all, 

€980 will be used to buy the necessary equipment for the POULTRY FARM MANAGED BY WOMEN.

Many, many thanks.

Agricultural exploitation in Senegal by young people and women

Develop a sustainable agricultural and poultry operation that generates surpluses to contribute to the local market and generate an occupational alternative for local youth and women. All this in the region of Cassamance in Senegal in the town of Diembéring


During the meetings held with the women of the cooperative, the conclusion was reached and they expressed their desire to set up a chicken farm.

KORBIS AGRI will make the first investment and from there they will manage the project.


The agricultural cooperative's project is designed to improve the nutrition of families through their own consumption of the crops but also with a surplus that allows them extra income for the economies of these families.

The NGO has 4 hectares ready to cultivate, but it will start by conditioning 1 hectare to see how it works.



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